We Are Working Hard To Keep Everyone Safe

If you would like to know more about our Covid 19 response please get in touch


What Care2Care are doing to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and its effects

We have a good supply of PPE so that our Carers and Clients are as protected as possible during home visits.

Infection control is a high priority for us, and we provide staff with sanitisers and cleaning materials to encourage a clean environment.

Our Carers work in “Bubbles” which minimises cross infections throughout the team. We encourage staff to work the same routes with the same people and this reduces the threat of the virus spreading.

Mental health is at risk during this time and our Management are aware of the effect of the situation on Staff especially. Our Carers receive phone calls of support and we are happy to provide treatments and tools to alleviate stress and boost morale.

All our Carers will be encouraged to have the vaccination as soon as it becomes available. This is for their own protection and should provide a relief from the worry of Covid-19. However, strict controls will remain in place for the foreseeable future.